Saturday, April 20, 2024

Impressive Jackets

It's spring again!  This time of year is a time when people are feeling positive, more hopeful as the weather warms up and winter clothes are put away.  Time to bring out spring clothes, including jackets.  This year there are many wonderful jacket designs to admire and choose from.   

by Max Mara,

by Noor,

Enjoy the cool spring days in a memorable jacket.  Till next blog!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Craft of Crochet

Crocheting is a lovely skill to have, a nice way to use time artistically and create lovely items such as table doilies, coffee cozies, the crochet bag and ponchos.  Well, I decided to see if there were clothes pieces being crocheted as well.  The answer is yes, and crocheted clothing are attractive and have expressive flare.  I can imagine how much time it takes to make just one garment!  This shows the designing crafter has great patience!

Here are a few of the crocheted designs I appreciate:

Maybe I've inspired some of you to try crochet?  I'm inspired to try it.  Enjoy this week!